The Apologetics SA Conference was from 18-20 August on Thursday evening, Friday evening and Saturday during the day. This conference sought to build onto and add onto our previous conference so if you attended our Women’s Conference please invite all your family and friends to join you in watching the recordings of the sessions. There were new speakers as well as speakers from our previous conference speaking on topics relating to the theme of Unchanging Truth in a Changing World. Watch and learn how to address some of the most difficult questions believers encounter today…
Introduction videos on certain topics which were discussed during this conference:
What is truth? Why is it important?
John Grobler
Christianity, Economics and Social Justice
Suzette Ellis
Technology, Gender Fluidity and Pornography
John Grobler
Is Truth knowable?
Talitha Körner
Conference Programme
Thursday 18 Aug 2022
Friday 19 Aug 2022
Saturday 20 Aug 2022
18:45 – 19:00
18:45 – 19:00
20:15 – 21:15
Session 2: God, Science and Transgenderism. The effects of Pornography on Society
07:45 – 08:00
10:45 – 11:45
Parallel Session 3
Presentation A: Christianity and the Environment
13:00 – 13:45
13:45 – 14:30
Session 5: An outline of the Christian position and how the Gospel attends to these issues
14:45 – 15:45
Questions & Answers
Panel of Speakers:
15:45 – 16:00

Simon Brace is the National Director of Ratio Christi South Africa and serves as the Chapter Director at the North-West University in Potchefstroom.
Born in Zimbabwe, Simon moved to South Africa, where he completed his matric and gained a diploma in Land Surveying from the Durban University of Technology. Simon also holds a BA in Theology and MA in
Apologetics and Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary. Simon was also involved with the founding and establishment of Ratio Christi while working at Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) and has served as the President and Chairman of the Board of Ratio Christi. He is currently a Ratio Christi Board member.

Prof. Reitze Rodseth is an anesthesiologist and critical care specialist working in private practice in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
He is a clinician-researcher with a wide range of interests. His research has focused on identifying patients at high risk of having heart attacks after surgery. This work led to a PhD from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He has a keen interest in studying how we do medical research and the quality of research that it produces. He obtained a master’s in Health Research Methodology from McMaster University in Canada and has presented on ethics and fraud in clinical research. He has published more than 120 peer-reviewed papers. He received the UKZN Vice-Chancellor’s Research Award in 2016 and held a South African National Research Foundation Rating from 2015 to 2019. Reitze became a Christian through God’s grace and the ministry of apologetics. The truth of Jesus’ claims and the proof of the resurrection dismantled the barriers he used to hold God at a distance. Soon after his conversion Reitze started studying Christian apologetics and began teaching on abortion, euthanasia, and transgenderism. He is currently busy with a master’s in Christian Apologetics and Philosophy at the Southern Evangelical Seminary in the USA. He is married to Miranda and his two sons – Joshua and Nathan

Karel holds a Fine Art Diploma and uses art as a medium to teach about the dangers of behavioural addiction. As a recovered addict himself, he and his wife Zoe have started the iMe Movement that facilitates recovery groups and education programmes for parents & schools on the dangers associated with digital addiction. Their mission is to inspire addicts beyond recovery into finding purpose.
Zoe is an avid researcher (strategy director at Ogilvy Cape Town) and has made it her mission to keep parents and teens up to date on the dangers of digital media addiction. Her 20 years of advertising experience, brings a unique insight into the world of digital media and how it is leveraged to influence our society.
When she is not researching, and raising her own disciple, she does various talks on the topic of digital addiction.

Chris Hattingh is Senior Policy Analyst at the Centre For Risk Analysis (CRA).
Chris has a special interest in trade and economic policy and is a member of the advisory council of the Initiative for African Trade and Prosperity, as well as a Senior Fellow at African Liberty. He holds an MPhil degree from Stellenbosch University.

Trish Fiandeiro is a Registered Nurse and Midwife and has a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology. She is married To Daniel and they have 2 children. They make their home in Hilton in KZN.
Trish is passionate about the Word of God and the Church, and she oversees a Counselling Ministry in her local church. She is deeply passionate about the church as a safe place for people to come, no matter the need.
Trish also loves working with parent’s as they create safe spaces for their kids, and believes in equipping parents to walk closely with their kids through the challenges they face as they grow.

Ed is a husband and father of 3 who works and lives in Pretoria. Originally from Durban, Ed studied Economics and Management and holds a Masters in Economic Policy from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.
Since 2007 he has served in multiple roles in the National Treasury of South Africa. He is currently responsible for the South African government’s fiscal policy and the production of the annual national budget in his capacity as head of the Budget Office.

Phillip de Jager (PhD, CA(SA)) is married to Nicola with two teenage sons, David and Nathan. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance and Tax at the University of Cape Town.
He is a National Research Foundation (NRF) rated researcher with research interests in bank capital, corporate finance and research about research. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Meditari Accountancy Research Journal and the South African Journal of Accountancy Research. Recent industry work was for the Competition Commission of South Africa on excessive pricing conduct.

Daniël studied theology at the North West University in Potchefstroom. In 2015 he started his Masters degree on the New Age movement’s infiltration of the church and consequently enrolled for a Ph.D. in theology which he completed in 2020.
He is a pastor at the Reformed Church Brooklyn in Pretoria and on the leadership of a church-plant group called Dialogue. He established the Ratio Christi chapter at the University of Pretoria in 2018. He is married to Ansie who is a lecturer in linguistics.

The Lord saved John in September 1985. He did not grow up in an institutional church and vocational Christian ministry was a foreign concept. In 1989 he resigned a job in a bank and joined a mission organization.
Through doing evangelism on the streets and in night clubs, being involved in a ministry of reconciliation to the poor, through missionary training, international travel and teaching, and leading a Bible College in a local church, he is now expanding what he has learned to the Apologetics SA online platform to encourage believers to keep engaging the world with the truth of the gospel.
Living through apartheid, being confronted with questions from interactions in Johannesburg’s inner city and the streets of Cape Town, and meeting Christians on different continents led to John’s quest to search for the truth of the gospel as opposed to cultural expressions of the truth. Through many years he discovered that the human experience of pain and search for meaning is the same the world over. As a Christian his goal is to understand how people are struggling in order to guide them to the relief that Jesus Christ offers.
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